What's New For Tax Year 2017?
ReFile a Return |
For individual NETFILE users, now you can also refile your return(ReFile);
You can also follow the link from the software to change your address and direct deposit information
Address and direct deposit changes |
If you are registered for the full version of CRA's My Account or CRA's mobile apps, you can change your address and update
your direct deposit information from the software. This service from CRA shares the same login session with eNOA and Auto-fill-my-return.
Tax law changes that affect most taxpayers:
- Scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, and artists' project grants exemption
The eligibility for the exemption has been enhanced under certain conditions to include scholarships and bursaries
received for occupational skills courses that are not at the post secondary level.
- Federal canada caregiver amount
The Canada caregiver amount has replaced the family caregiver amount, the amount for infirm dependants age 18 or older (line 306),
and the caregiver amount (line 315). This credit also de-coupled with provincial infirm and caregiver amount (line 5820 and 5840).
Now you need to claim federal and provincial credits separately unless you resided in Ontario, Yukon or Quebec.
- Your tuition, education, and textbook amounts
As of January 1, 2017, the federal education and textbook amounts have been eliminated. However tuition fees you paid still count
as credit. The eligibility criteria for the tuition amount has been enhanced under certain conditions to include fees paid for
occupational skills courses that are not at the post-secondary level.
- Medical expenses (lines 330 and 331)
Individuals who need medical intervention to conceive a child are eligible to claim the same expenses as individuals with medical
infertility. You can also request an adjustment to claim such medical expenses on any income tax return for the 10 previous
calendar years.
- Public transit amount
As of July 1, 2017, this amount has been eliminated. You can only claim the credits for the eligible costs you paid before that date.
- Children's fitness tax credit and art amount
As of January 1, 2017, these two credits have been eliminated.
- Disability tax credit (DTC) certification
As of March 22, 2017, nurse practitioners have been added to the list of medical practitioners who may certify eligibility of a person for the DTC.
- Labour-sponsored funds tax credit
As of January 1, 2017, the tax credit for the purchase of shares of federally registered labour sponsored venture capital corporations
(LSVCC) has been eliminated. The tax credit for provincially registered LSVCC can still be claimed.
Provincial Tax Changes
- Alberta
A new refundable tax credit, the Alberta investor tax credit, is available to investors who acquired shares from a venture
capital corporation or eligible business corporation registered in Alberta.
- British Columbia
There are two new non-refundable tax credits: the volunteer firefighters' amount and the search and rescue volunteers' amount. If you have
claimed the corresponding federal credits, provincial credits will be claimed by TaxChopper automatically.
The back-to-school amount has been eliminated.
- Manitoba
The annual maximum amount for the Manitoba tuition fee income tax rebate has changed. The maximum annual claim has been reduced from $2,500 to $500.
The advance tuition fee income tax rebate has been eliminated for tuition and ancillary fees paid for a school term that began after April 2017.
The nutrient management tax credit has been eliminated for expenditures incurred after April 11, 2017.
- New Brunswick
The tuition and education tax credits are discontinued for the 2017 and later tax years. Unused tuition and education tax credit
amounts from tax years before 2017 can still be claimed directly by the student in 2017 and later tax years.
- Ontario
The Ontario tuition and education tax credits are being discontinued. Ontario students will still be able to claim the tuition
amount for eligible tuition fees for studies before September 5, 2017. They will also be able to claim the education amount for
months of study before September 2017. Students will continue to be able to carry forward unused amounts to claim in future years.
The new Ontario seniors' public transit tax credit provides eligible seniors with a refundable tax credit equal to 15% of eligible public
transit costs starting July 2017. Unlike the previous federal public credit, this one is refundable.
The Ontario children's activity tax credit and Ontario healthy homes renovation tax credit have been discontinued for 2017 and later tax years.
- Saskatchewan
The personal income tax rates have been reduced for all taxable income levels.
The Saskatchewan tuition and education tax credits are eliminated effective July 1, 2017.
The Saskatchewan employee's tools tax credit has been eliminated. However, the carry-forward of the unused one-time trade entry credit
can still be claimed for 2017 and 2018.
- Yukon
Yukon follows federal tax change for Canada Caregiver amount and education / textbook amount. No action is needed to take since the software will
simply copy the federal claims.
Other Highlights
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