What's New For Tax Year 2014?
You can file your return on the fly.
Since last year, the CRA has allowed automatic return transmission, which means with only a few clicks,
your return will be sent off directly with our software. This year, CRA even removed the download/upload approach altogether,
so you will no longer be able to find CRA transmission page.
File T1135 electronically.
If you have listed foreign properties of more than 100K, previously you had to fill out the paper form and mail it to CRA.
This year, you can also file your T1135 online.
However, T1135 is not sent with T1 automatically, you need an extra shot to send it off, the steps are almost identical to
your tax return filing.
File 2013 tax year return.
NETFILE is no longer limited to one current tax year, if you have not filed your 2013 tax return yet,
you can netfile it electronically, there is no cut-off date for the filing.
Tax law changes that affect most taxpayers:
- Manage online mail
When you register for online mail, the CRA will no longer mail your notices to you. Instead, you will receive an email
notification that there is mail for you to view on the My Account secure online service at
My Account.
- Family tax cut
You or your spouse or common law partner may be able to claim a non refundable tax credit of up to $2,000,
if your child ordinarily lived with you or your spouse or common-law partner throughout the year.
- Search and rescue volunteers' amount
As a search and rescue volunteer, you may be able to claim an amount of $3,000.
- GST/HST credit
You no longer have to apply for the GST/HST credit. When you file your return, the CRA will determine your eligibility and tell you if you
are entitled to receive the credit.
Provincial Tax Changes
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