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When I tried to use Netfile to file my return, I received the following message:
47-5 Either your software needs an update or you are attaching last year's ".tax" file.
What should I do?
First, as the message suggests, check if you are attaching the correct return. If you have downloaded the same .TAX file more than once, some browsers (IE9.0, Firefox, Safari etc) will rename the new downloads as name-11.TAX(1), name-11.TAX(2), name-11.TAX(3) and so on. We suggest you delete all previous downloads after you make changes, or pick name-11.TAX(m) - where m is the maximum number in the directory.
If you are sure you have picked the right file, then you need to re-regenerate and re-download the return following these steps:
  1. Log into your account;
  2. Go to the Tax return download page.
  3. Beside the page title File List, there is a refresh sign Demo re-generate sign, click it, and then you should see the calculation time change to the current time.
  4. Re-download a copy of the return.
Whenever we find a bug or have an improvement, we will release a newer version and tell CRA to only accept the returns generated from that version or a newer version. The mechanism is designed by CRA and the industry to eliminate errors caused by outdated software.
Message from CRA:

The CRA will grant relief in respect of late-filing penalties and interest until June 2, 2025, for Individual filers and until May 1, 2025, for Trust filers, to provide additional time for taxpayers reporting capital gains to meet their tax filing obligations.
Canadian Income Tax Software-Netfile Ceritified
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