
To watch the demos, you need to have Macromedia Flash Player installed on your computer.
For dial up users, downloading the movie might take a couple of minutes.
The demo is for an Ontario couple, one of them had employment income, investment income. The other spouse was not employed
and had investment income only.
Finishing their returns from scratch in around 5 minutes with slow typing speed.
Data are organized in categories, most of us only have a few items in total,
so you will feel very comfortable about your tax. Instead of struggling through many tax forms,
your time can be spent on how to explore the potential.
- Every family member's data are listed under his/her own name;
- Switching between family members is one click away;
- While you can find all tax items on the left side, your own data are
showing on the right - most people only have a few, so you will feel
very comfortable and relax about it.
Making change and checking the result is easy.
When you make changes for one family member only, for example, claiming more RRSP contribution,
you can check his/her own numbers.
When you switch claims among family members, checking the change of family total refund makes more sense. For example,
let your spouse claim medical expenses instead of you and see how bottom line is affected.
If you love to see tax forms, just do it, all forms we use are downloaded from CRA.
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